The charming sculpture portrays the contour of love birds and is developed in...
The figurative sculpture portrays the shape of a young contemporary woman and...
The figurative sculpture is developed in White Italian Stone and features a...
This sculpture in Black Spider Onyx Stone features a Saxophone in an abstract...
The abstract sculpture is carved in white onyx stone and depicts an organic...
The sculpture portrays a Swan- symbol of peace and prosperity, and has been...
The figurative sculpture is carved in Black spider stone and embodies human...
The figurative sculpture portrays the structure of a woman exhibiting a dancing...
The abstract sculpture in white Italian marble portrays a woman standing in a...
The intriguing sculpture portrays the shape of a bird’s cuddling feathers and...
This sculpture in Pink Onyx Stone features a semi abstract human form.
The curvaceous sculpture in Botticino Stone portrays an abstract human figure...
This opulent sculpture in Mango Onyx Stone features an abstract lotus form.
The beautiful sculpture in Mango Onyx Stone features an abstract form of Lord...
The beautiful sculpture in Blue Onyx stone portrays an abstract dancing figure...
Horse symbolizes strength, power and speed while also adds to the...
The small sculpture in Botticino stone portrays an abstract Ganesha figure. The...
The sculpture in eminent Satvario Stone is elegant, artistic and contemporary...
'Nandi', the sacred bull, serves as the mount of Lord Shiva and symbolizes...
The abstract sculpture in Mango Onyx has an upbeat design portrayal yielding...
The sculpture in Blue Onyx Stone portrays a soldier's face wearing a helmet in...
The hand chiselled sculpture depicts a bird(Dove) and is made in Traditional...
The sculpture in Pink Onyx stone portrays a pile of abstract shaped stones...